Nick Mahshie

Tropes of Resilience, 2017

Fabric, wood, cardboard, hardware


Nick Mahshie is an artist and designer from Miami, FL. Mahshie recently received his Master of Design degree in Fashion, Body and Garment from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Since then he has launched Tranqui Prints, a platform to develop his textile and installation design while providing a shared workshop for other printmakers in Miami. Previously, Nick lived in New Orleans and Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he worked as a visual and performance artist under alter ego Tranqui Yanqui. His work has been shown at cultural venues in Paris, Zurich, Buenos Aires, Miami, Chicago, and New York City.

About Tropes of Resilience

Nick Mahshie utilizes remnants of tropical ephemera to inject new life into discarded garments and second-hand objects. His installations explore themes of reincarnation and rejuvenation abundant in the Floridian landscape where he grew up. Through collage and the abundance of saccharine color and bold patterns, his work is a testament to feelings of longing and nostalgia, while inspiring visions for constant renewal.

In the Spanish language, “esperanza”, derived from Latin, means, “to hope”. Beneath the artifice of adornment, “Tropes of Resilience” strives to create a temporary sanctuary for its audience to reflect on. Sprouting from unexpected surfaces, this work speaks to our capacity for healing, transformation and ultimately, resilience.

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